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Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc.
Brand Identity Policy

This Brand Identity Policy is intended to help create, maintain, and enforce the GPTW Brands used by a Client Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW and is incorporated by reference into their respective Agreements. Please contact GPTW at permissions@greatplacetowork.com for any matters related to the GPTW Brands.


1. Identity Strategy & Policies

1.1. Expressing GPTW Brand Identity

1.2. Internal & Business Logo Development Policy

1.3. Trademark Protection

2. Brand Licensing & Alliances

2.1. Alliance Development Process

2.2. Co-Branding

2.2.1. Ingredient Branding

2.2.2. Joint Ventures

2.2.3. Joint Marketing

2.2.4. Licensed Merchandise

2.2.5. Private Labeling

2.2.6. Sponsorships

3. Third-Party Relationships

3.1. Third Party Communications Leveraging GPTW

3.1.1. GPTW Alone: Applications

3.1.2. GPTW with other Third Parties: Applications

3.2. GPTW Communications Mentioning a Third Party

3.3. General Guidelines

4. 2018 Brand Guide (Stand alone version; incorporated by reference)

1. Identity Strategy & Policies

Across languages, cultures and diverse markets, people around the world come to know GPTW products and services through our brand. In more than 54 countries, the GPTW brand identity is realized through a powerful, unifying strategy for communicating the value, trust, leadership and ingenuity behind our brand. When GPTW is consistently recognized for these characteristics, it builds our familiarity and market leadership. This, in turn, increases the value of the GPTW brand, bringing benefits to all of our businesses.

The ability to build a truly global brand largely depends on how well we understand and apply the GPTW identity system. GPTW has many customer touchpoints, but there is only one constant and unifying brand. Every employee of a Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW should understand and consistently apply the GPTW identity system, which addresses the following:

• Simplicity and impact of our logo in GPTW Red • Consistent application of typography and imagery (see the GPTW Brand Guide incorporated by reference) • Clear communication and support of our unique brand promise and key messages

Such practices drive the content of the GPTW brand identity standards, providing the foundation for building our global brand. These practices help communicate GPTW leadership and build business success. The information within this site helps to confidently execute the GPTW brand identity strategy.

As GPTW continues to build stronger Client Company relationships, sales, Network Affiliate businesses, and GPTW Partner businesses around the world now and in the future, a clear and consistent brand identity strategy is critical. Each Company, Network Affiliate, and Partner of GPTW is required to understand and apply these principles.

1.1 Expressing GPTW Brand Identity

GPTW is becoming an innovation powerhouse. Our continuous flow of new products and services is strengthened by a consistent expression of our global brand. From social media to mobile apps, printed literature and materials, we tell our story to a broad array of audiences in more than 54 countries every minute of every day. Each of these communications carries a message about a specific business, brand, product or idea, as well as an overall message about GPTW.

The GPTW Brand Identity System was developed to allow a Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW to tell their unique story through imagery and value propositions, while still maintaining a connection to the global GPTW brand.

The goals of the system are to:

• Provide a unique and efficient way to leverage and build the strength and value of the GPTW brand

• Visually express the brand essence: Building a better society by helping companies to transform their workplaces for all.

• Help tell the story of how GPTW innovation is continuous, collaborative, and transformative

The system is built on key visual elements to convey the GPTW and business brand messages in all communications, the details of which are found in the 2018 Brand Guide incorporated at the end of this Policy.

1.2 Internal & Business Logo Development Policy

GPTW has one strategic logo and it is recognized as a valuable asset for each Company, Network Affiliate, and Partner of GPTW. The development of unique logos for internal departments, Web sites, trademarks and products dilutes the power of the GPTW brand, confuses customers and audiences, increases legal risk, and wastes GPTW resources.

All internal and external communications should help protect and grow the GPTW brand, and approved strategic brands, and should be developed with adherence to the standards provided throughout this site. Therefore, development of internal and business logos integrated with the GPTW logo is not permitted.

What constitutes an internal or business logo? As a rule of thumb, any kind of graphic element (photographs or illustrations) consistently linked with the name of a business, brand, product or service, or with a program or theme is considered a logo. Please note: There is a distinction between the development of new logos and the creation of a theme. Key messages and images may be combined to create a themed GPTW montage for a specific program or event. Themes may be carried over with minimal changes for annual programs and events. Themed GPTW montages are never integrated with the GPTW logo. Nor do they replace or become a new logo. New logos are not allowed. A Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW may use the GPTW logo in association with their name to communicate themselves as part of GPTW on branded merchandise, using the endorsed relationship. If you have questions about this policy, contact permissions@greatplacetowork.com for guidance.

1.3 Trademark Protection

Our success depends on the thousands of interactions people have with our products, brands and services every day. People choose GPTW products and services over others because of our reputation for providing practical and ingenious solutions. This section shows how to protect GPTW trademarks to ensure brand-loyal customers continue to select our brands for their workplaces.

The following standards protect our valuable trademarks, and well-earned reputation and generally apply to all forms of communications produced at GPTW.

Use the legally required components in order:

1. A trademark must always be used as an adjective, never as a noun or verb. Within text and when speaking, a trademark must be followed by a noun that is appropriate to aptly describe the product. Use the ™ or ® symbol at the end of a trademark. Two or more trademarks used together must always be distinguished from each other by using the ™ or ® symbols on both (or all) of the trademarks each time they are used. Do not apply the later-use rule in this instance.

2. The trademark may be followed by a generic descriptor (or “product identity statement”) that also contains an adjective, provided that a noun, appropriate to aptly describe the product, also appears.

3. The trademark must be followed by a generic descriptor ending in a noun. The generic descriptor must be pertinent and appropriate to aptly describe the product. This also helps differentiate a particular product from other products in the brand line. Only use the ® symbol if the trademark is registered in the country where it will be seen. Some countries use other symbols to indicate a registered trademark. While there is no standard ratio that controls the size of the ™ or ®, use the superscript version of the font, based on your application. Some applications do not allow you to set ™ or ® in superscript. In this case, put the trademark symbol in parentheses the first time it appears. When using trademarks belonging to another party, use the trademark correctly, including the appropriate symbols and generic descriptor. A statement of ownership (a “trademark attribution statement”) must also appear, usually as a footnote. Make sure to contact other companies to develop correct wording around their trademarks.

4. When another company uses a GPTW trademark in its communications, each full product name is to be used each time the trademark is used. In addition, a trademark attribution statement of ownership is required to be provided as a footnote.

Do not use a trademark as a verb, possessive, noun or in plural form

1. Generic descriptors must always be translated, not transliterated. In some languages, the generic descriptor precedes the trademark. Transliteration means the sound of the trademark phonetically in another language, so when it is pronounced, it sounds like the original English language trademark. However, great care should be used in selecting a transliteration, because it creates a new trademark.

2. Great Place To Work Institute Inc. is the legal name.

3. Always use GPTW trademarks in an approved manner. They may not be altered by abbreviation, all caps, spelling changes, etc. Never superimpose over a trademark.

Identity Elements

The GPTW Brand Identity Policy is designed to provide a consistent expression of our brand globally, while offering flexibility for each business of a Company, Network Affiliate, and Partner of GPTW to promote its products and services to its unique customers and end users. This Brand Guide provides an overview of those key identity elements.

2. Brand Licensing And Alliances

Brand licensing and strategic alliances are powerful marketing strategies. It is critical to create and communicate strong alliances that retain the strength and integrity of GPTW brands and trademarks.

2.1. Alliance Development Process. It is critical to the continued strength and integrity of GPTW's brands and trademarks that business alliances be managed in a strategic and consistent way. Effective communications management helps clarify relationships so that customers are not confused and helps ensure the legal protection of investments and assets. The term "Business Alliances" refers to a partnership between GPTW and /or a Netowrk Affiliate and one or more other companies to market goods, services, or an event. When we present GPTW as part of a Business Alliance, it is important to follow the guidelines for appropriate presentation of GPTW brands and the brands of a Business Alliance Company or Partner. There are several kinds of a Business Alliance that GPTW can enter into with another company. These include ingredient branding, licensed merchandise, sponsorships and third-party relationships. Based on the objectives of the Business Alliance and who is providing what, it is possible to determine which type of Business Alliance is required. How does it fit with the long-term goals of GPTW and each Business Alliance? What might the impact be to their brand(s) and GPTW’s brands? The alliance must be a long-term interest of GPTW and the Business Alliance involved. Consult a legal representative and GPTW at permissions@greatplacetowork.com if need be. Make certain the delivery of products and services is done in a manner consistent with GPTW brand identity standards. Consider implementing quality checks throughout the process. The Business Alliance Company or Partner should comply with all relevant GPTW identity guidelines. Manage the relationship. It is also a great idea to develop guidelines and standards specific to the Business Alliance’s situation. GPTW is available to help with questions.

2.2. Co-Branding. Co-branding is an umbrella term for many relationship branding connections. Because the term co-branding has a variety of definitions, there is one common definition for use at GPTW: “Co-branding is the use of one or more trademarks from two or more companies for the marketing of specific goods, services or events." This section provides standards for enhancing and protecting GPTW and other company brands for the co-branding relationships listed below. Third-Party Relationship standards are provided in a separate section below.

2.2.1. Ingredient Branding. Ingredient branding increases awareness and communicates to a wide audience the benefits that GPTW products and services can provide. Ingredient branding occurs when another company uses a GPTW product as an element of its own product. The guidelines for ingredient branding are designed to set usage standards for all such instances. The product or service being included is called the “ingredient.” The product or service that incorporates the ingredient is called the “host.” Only strategic brands and trademarks can be used as ingredient brands. Corporate brand policy does not allow ingredient branding for GPTW branded products. The "host" company's logo or brand mark must have visual prominence on all product display surfaces. The ingredient signature must be used in adherence with the GPTW Brand Identity Policy. The following areas are important: exploitation of ingredient brand; avoid competing brand promises; focus on long-term asset growth; maintain continuity through long-term management; and, all ingredient brand artwork will be endorsed with the GPTW logo.

2.2.2. Joint Ventures. A joint venture is when two or more companies co-develop a product or service and agree to market it under both brands or create a third, shared brand. A joint venture differs from joint marketing in that it deals with equity rather than commercialization dollars. Prominence of each brand involved generally reflects the level of investment each company brings to the venture. Joint ventures are an effective means of leveraging the brand marks or reputations of other companies in a common effort. A joint venture also can provide economic benefits, such as shared R&D investments and lower marketing costs. The joint-venture agreement must address ownership of the brands that will be involved in the joint venture. All GPTW brands used by the joint venture return to GPTW at the termination of the joint venture, unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement. The joint venture must use GPTW brands in a way consistent with the Brand Identity Policy. The role(s) of GPTW brand(s) must be clear relative to any other brands that are used.

2.2.3. Joint Marketing. Joint marketing refers to any situation where a product is manufactured by one company and distributed by another company. Both parties invest in commercialization dollars. Joint marketing differs from a joint venture in that it deals with commercialization and marketing dollars, rather than equity. The prominence of each logo generally is relative to its use as a primary or secondary contributor. Joint marketing differs from third-party relationships because both brands are present on the product itself. Normally, third-party relationships have both brands on literature and sales materials, but only the manufacturer is present on the product. GPTW recognizes that licensing brands can be a powerful method for extending GPTW’s brands, increasing brand power and generating growth. The overall goal of this policy is to improve the power of GPTW’s brands and protect the asset value of the brands. Only strategic brands may be licensed (Great Place To Work® and the Red Box Logo); other GPTW brands and trademarks may never be licensed.

2.2.4. Licensed Merchandise. Licensed merchandise refers to any situation where a company licenses another company's protected imagery or trade dress (e.g., logos, cartoon characters, color systems) to appear on or with the licensor's offerings. The licensed elements typically provide no performance benefit but are purely decorative or aesthetic in nature. The relationship with traditional target audiences can be strengthened with the addition of licensed trademark elements (e.g., a Media Partner’s characters) by leveraging their equity and related loyalty in connection with the host product. In addition, licensed merchandise can target specific audiences, pique interest and appeal to various groups that otherwise might not be considered a target market but could influence purchase decisions. It is GPTW Policy that: the licensed elements may either be dominant or subordinate to the GPTW identity or host product (this choice is dependent on the licensed brand's policy or brand strategy, as well as GPTW's intent for licensing the trademark); it must be clear who is the manufacturer of the product; and it must comply with the GPTW Brand Identity Policy.

2.2.5. Private Labeling. Private Labeling refers to situations where one company supplies products to another company to be marketed under the second company's own brand(s). In private labeling there is no usage or reference to the source company or its brands, other than the minimum to meet legal requirements. This includes all elements of trade dress, including color. In a private label situation, the manufacturer remains invisible to the end-user customer. There are two private label situations: GPTW company provides finished goods (e.g. survey results) to another party for sale under their brand(s); and another party provides finished goods to GPTW company to sell under our brand(s). Private labeling is one-way sellers add value to their brands by leveraging products from an established, quality manufacturer (such as GPTW). But the value of the GPTW brand is diluted if the private-label products do not support the seller's or the GPTW brand promise. It is GPTW Policy that: Manufacturers brands cannot be used, whether the manufacturer is GPTW or another company. Whenever possible, references to the manufacturer itself will not be used - unless legal requirements for that product so stipulate. Consult with GPTW at permissions@greatplacetowork.com if there is a question as to which is required. No trade dress element belonging to the manufacturer can be shown on the private label product or be used to market the private label product.

2.2.6. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are an effective way to link GPTW with events or programs that help make emotional connections in the minds of consumers and the larger community. When GPTW is the sole sponsor of an event, a cause, an organization or a public broadcast program, the GPTW logo should be treated according to the general standards of the medium in which it appears. It should have a relationship descriptor in a stacked format, such as “sponsored by.” The level of prominence the GPTW logo gets should match the level of sponsorship. For example, if GPTW shares equal sponsorship with another company, the logos should get equal prominence. The logo’s impact should be secondary to the overall message of the piece. It is GPTW Policy that: it is preferable to use the logo in red; if printing in one or two colors, the GPTW logo may appear in black; using “sponsored by GPTW” in body text as a read-through is an alternative to using the GPTW logo; and do not use the logo as a read-through.

2.3. Third Party Relationships. By partnering with other leading companies to develop and market innovative products and services, we both can extend market reach, increase revenue streams and reduce costs. For both parties to benefit, it is important that the customer understands the relationship between GPTW and the third party. Looking at any communication with a third-party relationship, it should be easily determined whether it is a GPTW communication or a third-party communication. If not, then the client won’t be sure either. The third-party should always clarify their relationship to GPTW when using the GPTW Logo. Actively managing relationships with authorized third parties is key to mutual success.

Address: Designated Agent for Intellectual Property

Timothy H. Gens, Esq.

VP, Director of Legal Affairs. CIPP, CDPO

1999 Harrison Street, Suite 2070

Oakland, CA 94612

Telephone: +1 (415) 844-2649

Fax: +1 (415) 503-0014

E-mail: tim.gens@greatplacetowork.com

October 1, 2018