Employee PRIDE: 5 ways to support LGBTQIA+ employees

5 Easy Ways to Give Your Employees Emotional Support (and Avoid Burnout)

5 Easy Ways to Give Your Employees Emotional Support (and Avoid Burnout)

Stress affects us all differently, and emotionally we're all in different stages of dealing with crises.

How do we help each other, our employees and our company culture during a difficult and overwhelming time?

How to support employee well-being right now

1. Give each other a pass

An executive at a company I work with said, “We have to give ourselves, and each other, a ‘pass.

The “pass” they were referring to? It’s another way of saying we need to practice forgiveness in a variety of ways:


  • Ask yourself this: do all of your tasks need to be completed right now? Or can it wait till the start of next year, when employees and clients will be in a better frame of mind?


  • Give your colleagues and employees the benefit of the doubt
  • Internalize that everyone you interact with is struggling to work and live in this difficult time, and in ways we may never fully know or understand
  • Assume that everyone is acting from a place of good intentions; when someone acts in an atypical way toward you, avoid taking it personally
  • Show patience and compassion toward ourselves and others

2. Check in

My people leader kicked off a recent one-on-one conversation by just asking me how I was doing in the midst of all this.

It seems like such a small thing, but it was surprisingly helpful. As I started to talk with her, it became clear how much was occupying my thinking and my emotions. After just naming what was on my mind, I felt calmer, clearer and better able to focus on other things.

My manager didnt try to fix anything – she just listened.

This is an easy gift all leaders can give their people, and it only takes a few minutes.

A more formal way to check-in is to send a pulse survey. Not only can an employee survey take the guesswork out of what is causing burnout, but it can also be less confrontational for employees who aren't comfortable speaking up one-to-one. 

3. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing

Before COVID-19, I went to New Jersey to meet with a client.

She had been running from meeting to meeting all day. When we sat down, she suggested we take 2 minutes before we started:

  • Close our eyes
  • Clear our minds
  • Take a few deep breaths

Research has shown that relaxation techniques like deep breathing counter our bodies’ response to stress, including work-related stress.

Starting or ending meetings with a few minutes of quiet time and deep breathing not only encourages self-care with your staff, it can also bring tangible relief to the stress we are all carrying right now.

4. Encourage gratitude

We live in a world where pain and tragedy dominate our news media. This is particularly true during times of crisis.

While we can’t control our colleagues’ media consumption habits, we can take small steps to try to positively influence everyone’s outlook.

Ending meetings by asking employees to share one thing they feel grateful for helps us pause our minds briefly to be present and appreciative. This temporary shift in focus can provide a well-needed infusion of positive vibes.

5. Remind employees to practice self-care

Under stress and nearing the end of the year, it’s natural to feel like we should be doing more, whether:

  • As a distraction from personal problems outside of work
  • Over stress of meeting end-of-year goals and targets
  • Out of fear that we’ll join the jobless ranks if we don’t do more than ever to show that we’re indispensable

Under the best of circumstances, many of us struggle to take care of ourselves, opting instead to worry and care for everyone else. These are not the best of circumstances, and it’s more important than ever to be sure we are taking time to care for ourselves.

When leaders encourage and model self-care, it gives employees permission to do the same. Let employees know:

  • In these circumstances, we are all going to be less productive
  • You want them to take breaks to exercise, give time and attention to their children and loved ones and get more rest
  • Ways you are practicing self-care

Your encouragement will go a long way to supporting this important need.

It's time to check in on your employees' well-being

Healthy workplaces keep track of their employees' well-being through regular employee surveys. Ask us how our Trust Index™ survey can help you today. 

Laurie Minott